Terms & Conditions

By placing payment for a service, you confirm that you have read, understood and accepted our terms and conditions as set out below.

Let’s Play Dog Training - Training Commitment

The team at Let’s Play Dog Training (LPDT) will work with all clients and their dogs, using scientifically proven, reward-based training techniques. Our aim is to build on your relationship with your dog. Class sizes are kept small to provide coaching in a relaxed environment whilst the classes are designed to be fun and rewarding for both dog and owner.

Training Methods

In line with the most up to date research and animal welfare legislation, LPDT use reward based positive training methods only. Harsh handling is not permitted in class (and is strongly discouraged in general). As such, choke chains, check chains, prong collars, slip leads and punitive methods are prohibited on site. If you would like any help with selecting equipment for your dog, please let us know.

Health and Safety

  • Follow ALL instructions given by any LPDT Staff Member at all times to ensure health and safety of both dogs and humans attending.

  • ALL DOGS MUST BE ON LEAD AT ALL TIMES unless instructed by your trainer

  • Participating in an activity with dogs and other persons may pose a risk to yourself and your dog, and you agree to indemnify Let’s Play Dog Training for all personal injury and damage to property owned by you while attending the training classes.

  • It is your responsibility to ensure anyone accompanying you to the class is aware that they are also attending at their own risk

  • Any accidents or issues involving a person or a dog must be reported immediately to the trainer.

  • All owners are responsible for their dog and for keeping their dog on lead (unless instructed otherwise by LPDT trainers), for the entirety of your visit to the site.

  • All dogs attending class should be fully vaccinated or titre tested and up to date with appropriate parasite control.  

  • Owners must clean up after their dogs in and around the training venue, and take any rubbish/poo bags home.

  • Our outdoor classes are in a field.  The ground may be wet, slippery and uneven.  Please notify your trainer if you notice any hazards.  

  • All those attending must wear sensible flat, closed toe shoes and weather appropriate clothing.

  • Cars are parked at their owner’s risk.

  • Smoking and vaping are prohibited on site.

  • LPDT reserve the right to request any persons to leave the premises or cease the session as if as deemed necessary.

  • Agility or any other equipment MUST NOT BE USED unless under instruction from your trainer.

  • Dogs must remain in the vehicle until instructed to enter the training paddock by your trainer.

  • Dogs MUST NOT attend the venue if their dog has demonstrated any signs of sickness or diarrhoea in the preceding 48 hours.  Please advise the trainer if this is the case asap. 

Classes and One to One’s

  • Please ensure your telephone number and email are correct on your booking form.  This is the method we will use to contact you.  We cannot be held responsible should you provide incorrect ​information or do not pick up messages.  
  • For optimum results, you should do your best to attend all the classes in course and complete the course.
  • There are no substitutions or recompense for any classes in a set course you are unable to attend.  
  • Occasionally, we may find that a class environment does not suit a dog or owner. In this instance, we will discuss with you the best way to proceed with alternative arrangements to help you.  
  • If a dog is unable to attend classes, owners are welcome to attend on their own in order to keep up to date with the training course.
  • Each class booking is for one dog.  Each dog must have one handler over the age of 16 years, unless previously agreed with your trainer.  
  • One to one booking’s may be made for multiple dogs IF agreed with the trainer prior to attending.  Each dog MUST have a separate handler over the age of 16 years, unless previously agreed with your trainer.
  • If you arrive before your booked time please remain in your vehicle.  


  • We encourage the whole family to attend training classes, especially puppy and life skills classes. Please let us know in advance if young children are attending with you. 
  • Children under 12 years must be supervised by an adult other than the person who is handling the dog.
  • Children attending classes under 16 years MUST be accompanied by an appropriate adult at all time.

Additional Needs:

Please let your trainer know in advance if you or anyone attending with you have any additional learning needs or disabilities that may affect your experience in class.  We will always do our best to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate your needs.

Bitches in season:  

Group classes:  bitches in season are not permitted in group classes.  Please let your trainer know asap if this is case.  

We cannot guarantee transfer or recompense of any missed classes under these circumstances. 


The following are not permitted in any class or 121 training sessions:

  • Flexi/retractable leads (to avoid injury to other people or dogs)

  • Choke chains, half-chokes, slip leads, spray collars, any form of electric collar, harnesses that tighten around the body when the dog pulls.  

  • Any equipment that deliberately causes pain or suffering.


Dogs with a contagious disease must not attend LPDT under any circumstances.

Dogs who have been in direct contact with another dog infected by a contagious disease must not attend site.  Please advise your trainer of the details and we can advise when you will be able to attend again.

Dogs MUST NOT attend the venue if their dog has demonstrated any signs of sickness or diarrhoea in the preceding 48 hours.  Please advise the trainer if this is the case asap.

Dangerous Dogs act:

If your dog has a bite history (i.e. has previously bitten or nipped a person or another dog) you must tell us at the time of booking.  This may not preclude you from classes or 121s but we will need to carry out an appropriate risk assessment.

Dogs who are registered as exempt under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1996 – please contact us prior to booking to discuss your requirements.  Admission into a group class is determined by our insurances and we will evaluate the suitability of individual dogs on a case-by-case basis.  

Payment / Cancellation Policy 

Full payment for sessions/classes must be made at the time booking.

Bookings are not transferrable to other sessions/classes, unless at the recommendation of, or agreement with an LPDT trainer.

A substitute dog/handler may be named at any time before the session (or first class) at no additional cost, as long as they meet the conditions of the session.

Cancellations must be made in writing by email to info@letsplaydogtraining.co.uk   

There is no right to a refund if the cancellation is made LESS than 14 calendar days before the start of the activity you have booked.

If you cancel MORE than 14 calendar days before the start of the activity, a refund will be issued minus a £15 admin fee.

Please check the date(s) of all classes / sessions before booking. Once booked, if you wish to change to a course starting on a different date, you may do this when the request is made MORE than 14 calendar days ahead of the start date of the booked activity and providing there is space on the chosen activity.  There will be no additional charge.

If you cancel your booking less than 14 days prior to the first day of the class / session you will not be entitled to any refund.  However, if we are able to refill the space, we will issue a partial refund at our discretion. 

Discounts/transfers will not be granted in the event you cannot attend every week of the course; the full amount remains payable.

Let’s Play Dog Training reserves the right to change the content, timing, dates, venue or instructor, with, or without, cause. Let’s Play Dog Training will not be liable for any losses or expenses arising from amendments/necessary re-scheduling of the course.

Appointment reminders are sent by email at the time of booking and 24 hours prior to your booking.  Failure to attend a booked session will not result in the session being rescheduled.  

It is your responsibility to arrive in time to start your session at the specified time.  We may not be able to accommodate a full session if you arrive late.

If you have purchased a package containing multiple one to one sessions, the sessions will be booked in at you and your instructors convenience.  Your instructor will accommodate your availability as much as possible; however, all sessions must be booked within 12 weeks of the first session.  Any sessions not booked by that time will be forfeited without refund.

Offers, Discounts & Promotions:

Any offers, discounts or promotions advertised by Let’s Play Dog Training via email, social media channels or on www.letsplaydogtraining.co.uk  are for new bookings only, so cannot be applied to existing bookings. We reserve the right to withdraw any offers, discounts or promotions at any time and without reason.

Complaints Procedure

If you, or any accompanying person, are in any way dissatisfied with your customer experience, services offered or the available facilities, you must contact us and detail your concerns via email to info@letsplaydogtraining.co.uk within 5 working days of your experience. We will respond in a timely manner and, where possible, rectify any issues and offer a resolution as necessary. If you cite a complaint after the 5 working days window or do not utilise the specified channel (via email), Let’s Play Dog Training will not refund any amount to you, nor compensate or reimburse you in any way, as we must be given the opportunity to promptly address the issue(s).

​​Force Majeure:

Let’s Play Dog Training do not accept any liability for events that may occur before or during your session or class that are beyond our control such as (but not restricted to) acts of nature, fire, flooding, or if the property becomes unsafe or unfit for use as a result of irreparable damage. In such circumstances, refunds will be at the discretion of Let’s Play Dog Training. 

Privacy Policy

Let’s Play Dog Training is committed to the privacy of all our customers. All client information is collected and processed in accordance with the UK’s data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Basic terminology

Personal Data Any information relating to an identifiable person who can be directly or indirectly identified.

Special Category Data (Sensitive Personal Data) Personal data that reveals racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade union membership; genetic data / biometric data; data concerning health; and data concerning a person’s sex life or sexual orientation.

Data Subjects  Individuals that we process Personal Data about e.g., employees, end consumers, employees of third parties we engage with (including customers and subcontractors).

Supervisory authority The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Data Controller An organisation that controls the purposes and manner of processing.

Data Processor An organisation that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller e.g., an IT system.​​

Lawful Basis for Processing

There must be a legitimate Interest for the processing of your data. Clear consent to processing the data will need to be provided by the data subject. The personal data will be used in such a way that the data subject would expect which has minimal privacy impact. If we can achieve the same result in another way, legitimate interest will not apply, consent will not be requested, and data will not be used.

If you have signed up to receive our e-newsletter, we will send emails to you offering updates in relation to Let’s Play Dog Training. You always have the opportunity to unsubscribe from these emails by clicking the unsubscribe link on the email itself or by emailing  info@letsplaydogtraining.co.uk with the heading 'Unsubscribe'.

​​We will never spam you, sell your email address to anyone or share your contact details with anyone else. 

The only information we collect about you is the information that you supply to us yourself through enquiry, publicly available data, email correspondence or opt-in to our e-newsletter. Such information will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Sensitive Personal Data  We will not ask you for this. 

Contact Data

We may process contact data that you provide to us which may include your name, address, telephone number, and email address. We may use this data to contact you to confirm or discuss purchases of services or related enquiries, issue invoices and provide any relevant information as needed. Data will only be shared with selected Third-party source(s) with your consent and if absolutely necessary, for example if a different trainer is leading a session.

Website Data

We may process data about your use of our website and services. The website data may include your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views and website navigation paths, as well as information about the timing, frequency and pattern of your service use. The source of the website data is our analytics tracking system. This website data may be processed for the purposes of analysing the use of the website and services. The legal basis for this processing is our legitimate interests, namely monitoring and improving our website and services.

This website may use cookies from time to time which allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website and help us to continue developing the website so that you have the best possible experience.

Enquiry Data

We may process data contained in any enquiry you submit to us regarding our products or services to help better improve our website and service, but will ensure your identifiable details will not be used in this process.

Payment Data

When you book a service(s) via our website, your payment will be processed by our service provider ‘Sripe’.  We do not hold any financial details (e.g. card number) relating to your payment.  You can view the privacy policy of Stripe here: https://stripe.com/gb/privacy

Photography & videography

Photographs and video recordings may be taken during activities at Let’s Play Dog Training. You may be included in these films and pictures, which could be used on online platforms and social media. By participating in Let’s Play Dog Training activities you hereby consent to all such filming. If you do not wish to be filmed/photographed, please just let us know at the start of the session. ​ 

Stored for no longer than necessary

We will not retain your data for any longer than necessary to deal with your case / booking.

Accurate & up to date

Our policy ensures that personal data is rectified and deleted when it is not accurate and up to date. Data subjects have the right to be informed, and therefore you may ask us to provide you with any personal information we hold about you on the condition of valid provision of proof of your identity (a certified copy of your passport or driving licence by a solicitor or bank, plus an original copy of a utility bill showing your current address). You may inform us at any time not to process your personal information for marketing purposes. We may withhold personal information that you request to the extent permitted by law.

In practice, you will usually either expressly agree in advance to our use of your personal information for marketing purposes, or we will provide you with an opportunity to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes. You may request a copy of the information we hold about you and exercise your rights in relation to your personal data at any point by written notice to us at info@letsplaydogtraining.co.uk


We have robust security measures in place to protect against loss, misuse, and alteration of your user data whilst under our control. Whilst we cannot guarantee that loss, misuse, or alteration to data will not occur, we endeavour to make every effort to guard against any such occurrences.  We take active steps to protect against viruses, spyware, and other malware. Our computers are password protected and only used by the sole employee(s). Our mobile devices are pin protected and have anti-virus and internet security software in place.

ICO Registration

According to the ICO Registration assessment, we are only processing personal data for the core business purposes of administration, accounts and records, advertising, marketing, and public relations in connection with our own business activity. This means that we are not required to register with the ICO.

Changes to this Policy

We may update this policy from time to time. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are happy with any changes to this policy