Online Booking

You will find all our current availability below.  If you can't find what you're looking for please send us a message on our contact page and we will see what we can do!

Field Hire

Field hire booking has changed.  To use our safe space you need to book an introductory session which can be done using the link below.  This will give you private use of our walking field for up to 4 dogs and 2 vehicles. 

Puppy Training

Group classes and one to one training for puppies up to 24 weeks old.

Adolescents & Beyond

Group classes, one to one's & workshops for dogs over 6 months old.  


Agility group classes, one to one's, workshops & events.


Hoopers group classes, one to one's, workshops and events. 


Beginners classes and one to one's for our "Pet Detectives" scentwork.