You will find all our current availability below. If you can't find what you're looking for please send us a message on our contact page and we will see what we can do!
Field hire booking has changed. To use our safe space you need to book an introductory session - sadly this now applies even if you have been to the field In the past. This will give you private use of our walking field for up to 4 dogs and 2 vehicles. Please note: There may be classes or 121's in the adjacent paddocks during your session in the field - if this is likely to be a problem for your dog(s) please message us before booking.
Group classes and one to one training for puppies up to 24 weeks old.
Group classes, one to one's & workshops for dogs over 6 months old.
Agility group classes, one to one's, workshops & events.
Hoopers group classes, one to one's, workshops and events.
Beginners classes and one to one's for our "Pet Detectives" scentwork.
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